
Travel Links
Barcelona Airport:
Easy Jet > Terminal 2C
Vueling > Terminal 1
BA > Terminal 1
Easy Car Hire Cars
Hire Cars by Terminal (Enter Barcelona T1 or T2)
Renfe (Train from Barcelona Airport to Sitges) See Note.
Sitges to Barcelona City Train or Bus
BusGarraf (Bus service between Barcelona Airport and Sitges, Sitges and Barcelona City, Sitges and Tarragona - and more.)
Renfe R16 / R2 (Timetable for Tarragona, Port Aventura etc).
BUS TO SITGES (L1 Route from Sitges Station to Vallpineda).
(Estacio Renfe is the Train Station, our closest stop is Vallpineda Passeig De Sant Albert).
Taxi: Sitges Taxi: 0034 938 964 725. Allow 30 minutes but can be longer and you can’t book ahead so it’s often better to use an independent Taxi, book ahead as long as possible by Whatsapp: Juan: +34 607 70 23 11 or RIBES TAXI: +34 670 693 499. You can book online for a specific time but it is more expensive: Sitges Taxi Online From the house to Sitges Train Station in the Town Centre enter:
From: Passeig Pujades, 2b, Vallpineda, Sant Pere de Ribes
To: Estacion tren, Sitges

Bon Estar (Set menu good value €€ )
El Patio (outside seating) €€
El Tros (close by on the way to Town)
Restaurant El Xalet (for a treat €€€)
Pizzeria Ristorante Francesco (€)
Costa Barcelona Sitges
L'Avinyet (Lively bar with Tapas and good steak)
Gaby's Sitges (Mix of Mexican, Spanish, good value, on the front)
La Macana Vallpineda (In our development, bar and good value restaurant)
Good value Burgers:
El Santo
Big Al's American Kitchen
At the Port:
Villa Marina Sitges (fab pasta & steak)
Can Laury Peix (lovely fresh fish €€€)
Bars & Pintxo Bars
(Bars with Small Tapas)
Cafes / B'Fast Lunch
El Tros (Local Restaurant Bar with good value food on the road down to Sitges).
Las Vegas Sitges (Salsa)
Hotel 1883 (Chilled Garden Bar)

Places to Visit:
Sant Pere de Ribes